The Mysteries of Loyalty Explained

Sunrise Village adds a twist to their game in how the teams are ranked for Exploration, and that is Loyalty Points.

Every player gains 1 loyalty per day they have logged in to the game.

Loyalty is otherwise gained via the Forbidden Ruins by completing tasks for your team. Each 10 Exploration points earned when claiming a task results in 1 loyalty point for the player. Claiming a boat task for 50, grants 5 for the player.

Team Loyalty is the sum of all its members loyalty; and is the sole factor in team rankings which are divided into brackets of 15 teams that will compete each week, ie teams 1-15, 16-30, 31-45 and so on.

There is much controversy in the community in how this is handled, since it can often pit teams of 30 versus teams of 5.

Author: Sinda

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