Introduction to the Game

Sunrise Village is an excellent farming/exploration mobile game from InnoGames GmbH based in Hamburg, Germany. It is available in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

There is also a browser version that’s compatible with most popular browsers. There are two versions based on your geographic/economic location: the European Union ( and everywhere else (

This page will get you started and into the game’s tutorial.

Install (or use the browser link) and launch Sunrise Village on your device. The download and launch times may be long due to the size of the game and its detail – please be patient.

Wait through the animated video introduction and then choose either a female or male character. You can change the name, gender, and appearance later in the game by tapping on your character’s little red-roofed house.

Little Red House
Little Red House
Character Modification Window
Character Modification Window

Follow the mini-tutorial to learn how to harvest and plant crops, sell them, and collect animal products. Then collect resources such as stones to fix up the feed mill, make chicken feed, and feed your chicken.

Continue through the tutorial. If you attempt an action but nothing happens check the quest log on the left side of the screen – you may need to complete a quest or claim a reward before you can continue with the game.

Keep an eye on your energy and gold – these are the two primary means of progressing through the game.

Recommend that you manage your gems quite closely since they are hard to come by – their main uses are to increase the speed of manufacturing of products, and increase the number of slots for finished products at buildings.

Always try to have a growing crop in your field plots and greenhouses. Initial costs for seeds are minimal so plant and harvest often.

Also keep your animals fed until you have an excess of products. Eggs are used sparingly in the game, but milk (once you have a dairy) is quite a common commodity so suggest you prioritize hay over chicken feed in the Feed Mill.

The Village
The Village

Animal products (eggs, milk, etc.) max out at three per animal then stop. You can click on an animal to see its current stats. You’ll need to collect the maxed out products to continue production.

Each animal can produce a limited number of products before it needs a rest: a chicken can lay 16 eggs and a cow can produce 24 bottles of milk. To “restart” an animal you’ll need to spend some coins (300 for a chicken and 500 for a cow). Once you reach a good number of products on hand you can let some of your animals just rest until needed again (they won’t starve).

Unlike some farming games there are no limits to the amounts of crops or products/resources you can accumulate so keep collecting and producing. Suggest building up numbers of crops and animal products in excess of 100 items; this will make creating later products much quicker.

Especially important are certain resources that have multiple constant uses in the village: grass (for water and hay), dry twigs (for plywood and fire), milk (for cream), and coal (for fire).

Leveling up occurs when you reach a certain amount of experience points. Click on your current Points in the upper left corner to see the information about your next level. When you reach it the Level Up screen (see below) will show what you just earned – it shows the new buildings and products now available.

As an example, gaining Level 3 gives you gold, gems, a new building (Sawmill), a new crop (wheat) and other resources. Try planting two full fields of wheat now, harvesting it, and making hay for your cow.

Level Up Window
Level Up Window

Buildings – recommend that you plan ahead (when possible) before buying a building in the Productions portion of the Store. The costs and required resources are initially low but can be quite expensive later in the game.

The Store
The Store

Your first building is the Sawmill which costs 1500 coins. You’ll likely have about 2500 at that point so it’s an easy purchase. Place the sawmill foundation on an open area of the explored village area – suggest up and to the right of the chicken coop to start. You can move any of your buildings to new locations as long as the area is unobstructed (no grass, bushes, stones, etc. in the way).

Once a building framework is placed you’ll have a new quest to complete it with building materials and then manufacture a couple of its products.

The mill has one construction stage which requires one additional stone and three portions of softwood. Note: some buildings will have multiple construction stages. Click on the arrows to be shown where these resources can be found in the village, collect them, and finish building the mill. Then complete the task by creating a piece of plywood in your new Sawmill (you should already have the raw materials on hand).

Sawmill Repair Tasks
Sawmill Repair Tasks
Gathering Resources
Gathering Resources to repair the Sawmill
Making Plywood in the Sawmill
Making Plywood in the Sawmill

The tutorial will now take you to a new area: The Woodlands.

Suggest that you fully explore each area, gathering most or all of the resources and “loot” because:

  • The “Home” Village will run out of gatherable resources
  • Once you leave an area for the next one the old one will permanently close in 24 hours
  • You can get extra rewards for gathering all of specific types of resources such as gold or all merchant’s chests

This completes the Introduction to the Game. Please return to the Home Page and explore the menu for other information available in this Compendium.